Monday, July 26, 2010
Patients of the Dnepropetrovsk hospital received material and spiritual assistance from the Patriarch Cyril
Several thousands of believers came to service in Dnipropetrovsk, which held the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill. Not all believers were able to get to the liturgy. Therefore, the program of the visit was scheduled hospital visit, where are those who are particularly in need of support and prayer.
Venue festive service on which the faithful hurried in the morning, was not chosen by chance. With the Transfiguration Cathedral in fact started the history of the city, formerly known as Yekaterinoslav. Catherine II laid the first stone church in 1787. Primate of the Orthodox Church Patriarch Cyril was the first in history, visited Dnipropetrovsk region.
Patriarch Cyril, the primate of the Orthodox Church: "Today we have gathered with you in so many thousands and thousands of people came, and I am glad of this opportunity with all of you to pray. Each of us after all the soul and joy and sorrow. I gaze at your face and I see kind eyes and happy faces. "
At the service under the open sky, headed by Patriarch Cyril, came more than five thousand residents. To all those who wished could attend the divine liturgy, the local authorities established in the park around the cathedral special screens. Liudmila Kondakova wanted to see the Patriarch Cyril of Dniepropetrovsk. But a few days before the visit of His Holiness the woman underwent a complicated operation. Ludmila and could not provide that the ROC would come to the ward.
Patriarch Cyril, the primate of the Orthodox Church: "I would like you to bring goodies - here fruktikov, you can eat - you have with the interior everything is normal, and every hand's blessing - that's my book, and the Holy Panteliymona when you can be well read."
Liudmila Kondakova, resident of Dnipropetrovsk: "Sensations, of course, non-transferrable. Because it happens once in a lifetime, and not everyone falls opportunity to see most of the Patriarch.
Primate of the Orthodox Church visited the temple, which is located in Central Dnepropetrovsk hospital named after Mechnikov. The Church came here 15 years ago by a doctor who does not once in his life faced situations where it was nothing depended. Helped only faith in God.
Vladimir Pavlov, the head doctor of the central hospitals of Dnipropetrovsk named after Mechnikov: "You know, there were different periods of religion, but any patient that you know everyone on their own, when it is in operation, willy-nilly, he crossed himself. And now this church, which have We exist, it helps both patients and physicians we. "
In a busy schedule of the Patriarch, who arrived in Kiev for 2 days, found time for many people - he gave a lecture to students, and gave new guidance of priests and even arrived at the legendary Yuzhmash. In the main shop of the company, which collect missiles and equipment for space vehicles, factory workers asked the Patriarch to bless Yuzhmash. Now this plant is going through hard times.
On the territory of the enterprise Patriarch consecrated the building and laid the first stones of the new Church of the Resurrection.
Wherever Patriarch Cyril already visited, it was greeted by thousands of believers. A lot of people to get the blessing of the Russian Orthodox Church, and took leave or got leave to go to work. Some Ukrainians are traveling around the country - after the Patriarch. Tonight, he went from Dnipropetrovsk to Kiev.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Lithuania celebrate the millennium.

At the celebration is expected to visit a large number of guests - monarchs, heads of state, prime ministers.
Millennial Celebration of the anniversary of Lithuania will begin with the national flag raising ceremony at the square in front of the Presidential Palace and the President Valdas Adamkus. Then the dignitaries will take part in Holy Mass at Vilnius Cathedral.
One of the most important events will be the opening ceremony at the Cathedral Square in Vilnius Palace of the rulers - re-established in ancient drawings of historic buildings completely disappeared.
Later, guests waiting for a solemn reception on the occasion of the Millennium mention the Day of the State of Lithuania and in the courtyard of the Presidential Palace.
In Ukraine, noted the Navy Day.

Why do Russian people drink?

Use of strong alcoholic beverages in Russia has long been popular rule, and is accompanied by certain «ritual». If a person does not drink - it is a suspicious type, it is better not to have affairs. Attitudes to drink in Russia has always been sympathetic. To that person the assistance and support - a tradition. So, when industrial-scale production of alcohol, drinking in the country has adopted widespread. Drink rich and poor, drunk businessmen and the unemployed, women and men. In recent years, three times increase in the number of women alcoholics. With the advent of capitalism has widened the range of beverages consumed. There were, at first glance, innocuous low-alcohol cocktails, which have become popular among teenagers. Now, drink and children ...
West can not understand the mysterious Russian soul. What is the soul of this? This is the soul of a warrior. West can not understand it, just as the soul of the Japanese samurai does not cling to life, and at any moment ready to die. But if the Japanese samurai warriors were a little of the population, the Russian man was a warrior. In the Russian character, you can see the elements of military culture - and it is often dismissive attitude to material values, the indifferent attitude to the comfort of home, these issues with the Russian women's, and even drunkenness. Drinking alcoholic beverages is the warriors of pan-European tradition. You will not find any in the past, nor is any valid, ie in a state of war, a European army in which soldiers would have been teetotal.

In Russia, people's concept of the festival is closely associated with a rich meal, especially with ample alcohol. Strong alcoholic drinks are considered almost mandatory attributes of this event. Indifference, saving the latter reaction the body has become our defining feature. Therefore, and the popularity of vodka - unprecedented even by the Russian scale. This is - a terrible indifference, when a man sees his life is not broken, do not snap off with the corner, but so hopelessly fragmented, both along and across the broken, only for the alcoholic intoxication is still remain. That if the vodka banned - would immediately we broke out the revolution.
Do not want to, and not with grief, drink Russian people and for the eternal needs of a great and extraordinary. Drink, if you like, mystical, seeking to withdraw from earthly life balance and return it to the blessed bodiless state. Vodka - White Russian magic man, he strongly prefers her black magic.
However, the main use of vodka in a Russian table practice involves the use of it as a mandatory annex to the Russian fast food diet. Russian food is a final table, only in 18 th century. At the same time came the flourishing of Russian domestic distillation with its rich and varied assortment of vodka. Thus, the nature of vodka, its organoleptic properties, its flavoring and clean up all this fit in to the taste characteristics of food and Russian food composition table. That is why these two concepts - vodka and a snack - were, after all, inseparable, and both lexical idioms, and as a food reality. However, rooted in the minds of the people of these notions, because of changes in inequality and social conditions have become, over the past two years, distorted and made disproportionate importance in different segments of the population of Russia. The essence of these changes was that the vodka has remained as an indispensable component, a starter either impoverish or reduced, or disappear altogether.
Symbolism of vodka in Russia is universal. It is more important than gold or oil. Recall that never, even in the most disadvantaged in the Soviet era, vodka was not a lack. Vodka - it is fate, the fate of Russian. Because of Russian vodka are known throughout the world, as producers of vodka are huge profits from its sale.
Russia begins anti-alcohol campaign.

This promotion gives the result - for the five months of 2009 was born on 3% more children than during the same period last year (mortality rate decreased by 28.3%). Covered activities, people were more likely to marry and to marry - the number of marriages increased by 6.1% (the divorce was less at 3.7%).
In Russia all the more public and community leaders speak on the topic anti-alcoholic.
In Russia all the more public and community leaders speak on the topic anti-alcoholic.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Russia: Casino outlawed.

settlements. Work will be allowed only in designated for the zones that are located in distance from residential areas. All of these will be four zones: in Primorye, Altay region, Kaliningrad region and the border Krasnodar Territory and Rostov Region. With zero hour on July 1 gaming business
outside of these territories is declared outside the law, and violators awaiting administrative and even criminal liability. Checks for the closure of the casino police will start tonight. Many gaming establishments did not wait "hours X "and stopped working the day before. Some of them, according to owners turn now to the usual entertainment centers and restaurants. Visitors,
however, can offer a sports poker or the lottery, which the law does not include gambling. In addition, there will still be allowed work totalizators and betting offices.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Russian Mafia - Myth or Reality?

Mafia - the slogan is an acronym Sicilian uprising against the French feudal lords - "Morte Alla Francia, Italia Anela".
Mafia - a secret society, organized crime groups, are widely used to achieve their criminal objectives of arbitrary violence and murder. In order to avoid legal retribution for their acts bribes officials - civil servants and law enforcement officers, often creates and uses kinship or business ties with the authorities and law enforcement agencies. Currently, the term «mafia» often used broadly to refer to any ethnic gangs. Mafia as such does not constitute a single organization. It is composed of clans, who share among themselves a certain region. Everyone understands the word Mafia in its own way. Someone remembers a lot of movies and books about the Mafia, while others saw only the mafia in computer games. But few of us go into the details of the history of the mafia and mafia structures. Sometimes, the word mafia used a combination of words - organized crime.
Does the Russian organized crime, or, as it is called more frequently - Russian mafia, some specific characteristics, it is markedly different from other criminal groups in the world?
Yes, it is so.
Mafia at all, and the Russian Mafia in particular, is always linked to the business and obtaining large profits crime. From the perspective of the business, members of the Russian mafia are not traders. The members of the mafia in other countries, doing business from start to finish for maximum profit, which then are used for economic development. Russian mafia is trying to make a profit immediately, not investing it in economic development. This is reminiscent of trade in natural resources. For Russians, it is important to sell your goods at the earliest opportunity.
Russian mafia has links with the authorities?
Yes, of course. Otherwise, the Mafia could not survive. In other countries, the Mafia comes in the same way. If the Mafia would not cooperate with the authorities, the authorities will try to get rid of it.
Russian mafia is available worldwide?
Yes. Russian mafia, there is a long time. Its characteristic feature was the speed and flexibility. On others it is different in that it does not exist borders. To achieve its goals, it uses any money. The international spread of the Russian mafia arose even before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Later, the geography of its action has spread even more. In any country, at a time when the government begins to deal with the Mafia, it strengthens its position in other countries. Russian mafia was abroad, not because she was defeated in his own country. Russian mafia differ from others in that it invests the money in their education and growing rapidly internationally.
What is more Russian mafia differ from others?
Russian mafia is that the former members of criminal gangs have become politicians. This is because in Russia the law provides protection policy of criminal responsibility. Later many of the oligarchs linked to criminal groups, with whom they had recently been members.
If any hope to win the Russian mafia?
What is more Russian mafia differ from others?
Russian mafia is that the former members of criminal gangs have become politicians. This is because in Russia the law provides protection policy of criminal responsibility. Later many of the oligarchs linked to criminal groups, with whom they had recently been members.
If any hope to win the Russian mafia?
Currently, the Mafia has played a big role in the development of Russian economy.
To combat organized crime, you need an open and independent press, a vibrant civil society, rule of law, functioning and respected judiciary - to make the people feel that their problems can be resolved fairly. In Russia there are currently no fair and open press, and no active civil society and independent judiciary. Until all of the above does not appear to fight organized crime useless.
Russian Mafia is dangerous for society and the state?
Mafia bosses will be pleased to agree to filming his own life. Many directors and actors in the past were members of criminal gangs.
Russian Mafia is dangerous for society and the state?
Yes, certainly. The drug problem has acquired greater danger only because of the mafia. Distribution and use of drugs, of course, affect the health of the nation. Trafficking deprives Russia of the future - who will bear children? This also contributes to the spread of AIDS, which, again, dangerous to the health of the nation. In addition, Russian mafia has a huge impact on the economy, which again is very negative impact on the status of Russia as a whole.
Mafia describes:
- Rigid hierarchies;
- The use of force to maintain internal discipline and to deal with competition;
- Its own system of values and norms;
- Liaison with the political and administrative corruption;
- The use of legal political and administrative institutions and to provide a cover for clandestine activities.
Now on the territory of the CIS are about two thousand thieves in law, 300 of whom are in prison. Ideological the scribes that they honor all traditions Vorovsky orders, almost no more.Mafia describes:
- Rigid hierarchies;
- The use of force to maintain internal discipline and to deal with competition;
- Its own system of values and norms;
- Liaison with the political and administrative corruption;
- The use of legal political and administrative institutions and to provide a cover for clandestine activities.
Mafia bosses will be pleased to agree to filming his own life. Many directors and actors in the past were members of criminal gangs.
Russian mafia in the form in which it perceives the Western man in the street, the minimum is related to a Russian ethnos, and to Russia as a country. On the Russian mafia in the United States began to speak in the early 80's. By publishing the article about the Russian mafia, had in mind the emigrants from the USSR, which were not only Russian.
From the standpoint of the West in Russia and even the Russian mafia criminals include all former Soviet republics. For the Europeans and the Americans the word "Russia" has always been synonymous with the word "Soviet." On the map instead of "USSR" is often written "Russia." All this is in the subconscious. So, speaking of the "Russian" mafia, Europeans and Americans throw away not only ethnic but also the politico-geographical factors. For example, in Spain have arrested 20 members of criminal groups from former Soviet Union. They called the Russian mafia. However, all of them were of Georgian origin.
A similar situation, for example, folded and with criminal groups from Lithuania, who have flocked to Europe, counterfeit Euro, fake passports and financial documents. They also referred to as the "Russian" mafia.
2 years ago in New York was the trial of a group of people accused of illegal arms trafficking, mainly from CIS countries: Armenians, Jews, Georgians. Included in the group, and citizens of other countries. And this is the case in the United States called the case "the Russian" Mafia!
To the Russian mafia should include only the criminals now have the citizenship of Russia. In such a "clean" as the problem of the Russian mafia is extremely important. Studying the materials of criminal intelligence analysis the Interpol General Secretariat of the interactions of leaders of organized criminal groups - former and current citizens of Russia and the CIS countries, their companies to launder money, you can verify that they are all the hundreds of threads are intertwined with each other and with leaders of the mafia structures in Europe, United States , Latin America and Asia.
Is it possible to win mafia?
It is believed that the mafia is immortal. Immortality Mafia may be in different forms. It can transform into a legitimate organization. Members of criminal gangs may become mayors. There will always be a formal society, and society shadow; legitimate economy and the "shadow economy" law and concepts. " It is important that the shadow society, the shadow economy and the "concept" did not alternate their official opponents. Shadow must know his place!
To do so, lead, finally, in line with the requirements of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and against Corruption, our Russian legislation. First of all, the Penal and Criminal Procedure Codes. This includes the notion of an organized criminal group, and the responsibility for the legalization of criminal proceeds, and the institution of property confiscation.
It is important to increase the exchange of information through Interpol and Europol. It is necessary to transform the Russian bureau of Interpol is indeed at the center of the coordination of international cooperation among all law enforcement agencies in combating transnational organized crime. There should be constant monitoring of the activities of the Russian mafia abroad. To ensure that every work on ahead of the curve, providing a foreign partner proactive information and other assistance.
Press review by Old Man.
2 years ago in New York was the trial of a group of people accused of illegal arms trafficking, mainly from CIS countries: Armenians, Jews, Georgians. Included in the group, and citizens of other countries. And this is the case in the United States called the case "the Russian" Mafia!
To the Russian mafia should include only the criminals now have the citizenship of Russia. In such a "clean" as the problem of the Russian mafia is extremely important. Studying the materials of criminal intelligence analysis the Interpol General Secretariat of the interactions of leaders of organized criminal groups - former and current citizens of Russia and the CIS countries, their companies to launder money, you can verify that they are all the hundreds of threads are intertwined with each other and with leaders of the mafia structures in Europe, United States , Latin America and Asia.
Is it possible to win mafia?
It is believed that the mafia is immortal. Immortality Mafia may be in different forms. It can transform into a legitimate organization. Members of criminal gangs may become mayors. There will always be a formal society, and society shadow; legitimate economy and the "shadow economy" law and concepts. " It is important that the shadow society, the shadow economy and the "concept" did not alternate their official opponents. Shadow must know his place!
To do so, lead, finally, in line with the requirements of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and against Corruption, our Russian legislation. First of all, the Penal and Criminal Procedure Codes. This includes the notion of an organized criminal group, and the responsibility for the legalization of criminal proceeds, and the institution of property confiscation.
It is important to increase the exchange of information through Interpol and Europol. It is necessary to transform the Russian bureau of Interpol is indeed at the center of the coordination of international cooperation among all law enforcement agencies in combating transnational organized crime. There should be constant monitoring of the activities of the Russian mafia abroad. To ensure that every work on ahead of the curve, providing a foreign partner proactive information and other assistance.
Press review by Old Man.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Russia - Who are the thieves in the law?

Thieves in the Act appeared in the USSR in 1930, with the beginning of Stalin's repressions. They called themselves «custodians of tradition» and was a non-rigid (as opposed to the political prisoners), opposition to state power.
Not respecting the country's existing laws which they strictly follow their own unwritten code of honor, and often acted as judges of the criminal world.
Traditionally, a thief in the law may be only a man with a criminal record, sufficient authority in the criminal environment in respect of which implemented a formal procedure for the adoption of the community. A thief in the law are not encouraged to marry. Also it is forbidden to enter into any relationship with the government: to serve in the military, law enforcement, enter the public service. The thief in the law has no right to promote judicial and investigative bodies, or to cooperate with the prison.
Thieves in the laws are not a single criminal group, different «clans» and «family» interact or conflict with each other. In 1990, according to the law enforcement agencies, there were nearly 1.5 thousand thieves in the law.
Traditionally, a thief in the law may be only a man with a criminal record, sufficient authority in the criminal environment in respect of which implemented a formal procedure for the adoption of the community. A thief in the law are not encouraged to marry. Also it is forbidden to enter into any relationship with the government: to serve in the military, law enforcement, enter the public service. The thief in the law has no right to promote judicial and investigative bodies, or to cooperate with the prison.
Thieves in the laws are not a single criminal group, different «clans» and «family» interact or conflict with each other. In 1990, according to the law enforcement agencies, there were nearly 1.5 thousand thieves in the law.
In recent days, Russian law enforcement agencies have begun to fight organized crime on a national basis. Shut down restaurants, a casino under the control of the Georgian criminal leaders. Indeed, only a rough estimate, thirty percent of the criminal Russian Business «belongs» Georgian «thieves in the law». But they did not have yesterday.
And if thirty years ago, they drew the same attention to, perhaps, today in Russia would not have been the most influential of the crime of ethnic «diaspora».
Thieves in the Act - this is the legacy of the Soviet Union.
By 1985, the period of restructuring the Soviet Union came with a strong and influential Georgian criminal diaspora.
And if thirty years ago, they drew the same attention to, perhaps, today in Russia would not have been the most influential of the crime of ethnic «diaspora».
Thieves in the Act - this is the legacy of the Soviet Union.
By 1985, the period of restructuring the Soviet Union came with a strong and influential Georgian criminal diaspora.
Back in the late 70-ies of the last century in the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic in fashion and it was an honor to be a thief.
Extensive relationship joined the party bureaucracy and the criminal authorities. As a result, young people simply planted furtively tradition.
Money in the bank for thieves gathered in the republic, even in small coins! Naturally, such amounts do not have values. But it created a cult «brotherhood of thieves», and «the case of thieves». Reached the point that 25 percent of those surveyed in the years students have been told that the dream is to become a «thieves in the law».
Jaba Ioseliani, one of the most influential Georgian thieves in law 80, which was the right hand of President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze and a prominent political figure.
Extensive relationship joined the party bureaucracy and the criminal authorities. As a result, young people simply planted furtively tradition.
Money in the bank for thieves gathered in the republic, even in small coins! Naturally, such amounts do not have values. But it created a cult «brotherhood of thieves», and «the case of thieves». Reached the point that 25 percent of those surveyed in the years students have been told that the dream is to become a «thieves in the law».
Jaba Ioseliani, one of the most influential Georgian thieves in law 80, which was the right hand of President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze and a prominent political figure.
Today the Georgian avtority occupy major positions in the shadow economy across the European territory of Russia. Most Georgian thieves in law - in the city of Moscow - from 60 to 80 people. The second most important sphere of influence groups - Region of Krasnodar and Stavropol, from 30 to 50 of thieves in the law. Next - Tyumen region, in particular, Surgut, 30 thieves in the law.
Their specialty:
- Hijacking cars;
- Attacks on vehicles and their owners;
- Pickpocketing;
- Burglary;
- Theft of belongings from the car;
- Currency fraud;
- Real estate fraud.
Income from crime laundered into legitimate businesses controlled by criminal groups:
- Casino;
- Restaurants;
- Clubs;
- Hotel.
The monthly turnover of the Georgian criminal business:
- 25 million - in Moscow;
- $ 60 million - for the country
60 thieves in law live now in Moscow, 40 of them - the Georgians.
Press review by Old Man.
Their specialty:
- Hijacking cars;
- Attacks on vehicles and their owners;
- Pickpocketing;
- Burglary;
- Theft of belongings from the car;
- Currency fraud;
- Real estate fraud.
Income from crime laundered into legitimate businesses controlled by criminal groups:
- Casino;
- Restaurants;
- Clubs;
- Hotel.
The monthly turnover of the Georgian criminal business:
- 25 million - in Moscow;
- $ 60 million - for the country
60 thieves in law live now in Moscow, 40 of them - the Georgians.
Press review by Old Man.
The policemen detained in Moscow, the famous thief in the law.

Criminal proceedings. Sanction provides up to three years' imprisonment.
The last two years who was arrested lived in Moscow, where he was mainly pickpocketing.
In November 2006, Safaryan forcibly deported from the territory of Ukraine, the authorities have banned him for five years from entering the country. Then Safaryan moved to Russia, where he lived in the 1990's.
The last time the credibility of a criminal was tried in Nizhny Novgorod in 1995 for possession of a weapon, then he was given three years. Safaryan headed there one of the criminal groups, to introduce people to their businesses.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
In the Ukraine celebrate 300 th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava.

From the morning memory of those killed in the battle of Poltava paid official delegation, arrived
from Russia, Sweden and the capital of Ukraine. The guests laid flowers at the monument to the victims. In the temples were for funeral services.
300 years ago, after the victory of a new history. Single Russian state has become an important factor in European and world politics. And since then, has anybody in Europe could not be with a voice and political will of Russia. Officials of the Government of Ukraine on the 300-year anniversary of the great battle had been.
300 years ago Ivan Mazepa gave the Russian tsar and moved to the Swedish King Karl XII. But now, 300 years later, for the official Kiev hetman Mazeppa of traitor gradually turns into a hero. In the famous battle won by Russian troops. Peter celebrates victory. From the wrath of Russian
king of hetman Ivan Mazepa flee. For treason, he was weaned off the church.
President Viktor Yushchenko, who is widely celebrated 370 th anniversary Mazepi this spring has not arrived in Poltava.
king of hetman Ivan Mazepa flee. For treason, he was weaned off the church.
President Viktor Yushchenko, who is widely celebrated 370 th anniversary Mazepi this spring has not arrived in Poltava.
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