Mafia - the slogan is an acronym Sicilian uprising against the French feudal lords - "Morte Alla Francia, Italia Anela".
Mafia - a secret society, organized crime groups, are widely used to achieve their criminal objectives of arbitrary violence and murder. In order to avoid legal retribution for their acts bribes officials - civil servants and law enforcement officers, often creates and uses kinship or business ties with the authorities and law enforcement agencies. Currently, the term «mafia» often used broadly to refer to any ethnic gangs. Mafia as such does not constitute a single organization. It is composed of clans, who share among themselves a certain region. Everyone understands the word Mafia in its own way. Someone remembers a lot of movies and books about the Mafia, while others saw only the mafia in computer games. But few of us go into the details of the history of the mafia and mafia structures. Sometimes, the word mafia used a combination of words - organized crime.
Does the Russian organized crime, or, as it is called more frequently - Russian mafia, some specific characteristics, it is markedly different from other criminal groups in the world?
Yes, it is so.
Mafia at all, and the Russian Mafia in particular, is always linked to the business and obtaining large profits crime. From the perspective of the business, members of the Russian mafia are not traders. The members of the mafia in other countries, doing business from start to finish for maximum profit, which then are used for economic development. Russian mafia is trying to make a profit immediately, not investing it in economic development. This is reminiscent of trade in natural resources. For Russians, it is important to sell your goods at the earliest opportunity.
Russian mafia has links with the authorities?
Yes, of course. Otherwise, the Mafia could not survive. In other countries, the Mafia comes in the same way. If the Mafia would not cooperate with the authorities, the authorities will try to get rid of it.
Russian mafia is available worldwide?
Yes. Russian mafia, there is a long time. Its characteristic feature was the speed and flexibility. On others it is different in that it does not exist borders. To achieve its goals, it uses any money. The international spread of the Russian mafia arose even before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Later, the geography of its action has spread even more. In any country, at a time when the government begins to deal with the Mafia, it strengthens its position in other countries. Russian mafia was abroad, not because she was defeated in his own country. Russian mafia differ from others in that it invests the money in their education and growing rapidly internationally.
What is more Russian mafia differ from others?
Russian mafia is that the former members of criminal gangs have become politicians. This is because in Russia the law provides protection policy of criminal responsibility. Later many of the oligarchs linked to criminal groups, with whom they had recently been members.
If any hope to win the Russian mafia?
What is more Russian mafia differ from others?
Russian mafia is that the former members of criminal gangs have become politicians. This is because in Russia the law provides protection policy of criminal responsibility. Later many of the oligarchs linked to criminal groups, with whom they had recently been members.
If any hope to win the Russian mafia?
Currently, the Mafia has played a big role in the development of Russian economy.
To combat organized crime, you need an open and independent press, a vibrant civil society, rule of law, functioning and respected judiciary - to make the people feel that their problems can be resolved fairly. In Russia there are currently no fair and open press, and no active civil society and independent judiciary. Until all of the above does not appear to fight organized crime useless.
Russian Mafia is dangerous for society and the state?
Mafia bosses will be pleased to agree to filming his own life. Many directors and actors in the past were members of criminal gangs.
Russian Mafia is dangerous for society and the state?
Yes, certainly. The drug problem has acquired greater danger only because of the mafia. Distribution and use of drugs, of course, affect the health of the nation. Trafficking deprives Russia of the future - who will bear children? This also contributes to the spread of AIDS, which, again, dangerous to the health of the nation. In addition, Russian mafia has a huge impact on the economy, which again is very negative impact on the status of Russia as a whole.
Mafia describes:
- Rigid hierarchies;
- The use of force to maintain internal discipline and to deal with competition;
- Its own system of values and norms;
- Liaison with the political and administrative corruption;
- The use of legal political and administrative institutions and to provide a cover for clandestine activities.
Now on the territory of the CIS are about two thousand thieves in law, 300 of whom are in prison. Ideological the scribes that they honor all traditions Vorovsky orders, almost no more.Mafia describes:
- Rigid hierarchies;
- The use of force to maintain internal discipline and to deal with competition;
- Its own system of values and norms;
- Liaison with the political and administrative corruption;
- The use of legal political and administrative institutions and to provide a cover for clandestine activities.
Mafia bosses will be pleased to agree to filming his own life. Many directors and actors in the past were members of criminal gangs.
Russian mafia in the form in which it perceives the Western man in the street, the minimum is related to a Russian ethnos, and to Russia as a country. On the Russian mafia in the United States began to speak in the early 80's. By publishing the article about the Russian mafia, had in mind the emigrants from the USSR, which were not only Russian.
From the standpoint of the West in Russia and even the Russian mafia criminals include all former Soviet republics. For the Europeans and the Americans the word "Russia" has always been synonymous with the word "Soviet." On the map instead of "USSR" is often written "Russia." All this is in the subconscious. So, speaking of the "Russian" mafia, Europeans and Americans throw away not only ethnic but also the politico-geographical factors. For example, in Spain have arrested 20 members of criminal groups from former Soviet Union. They called the Russian mafia. However, all of them were of Georgian origin.
A similar situation, for example, folded and with criminal groups from Lithuania, who have flocked to Europe, counterfeit Euro, fake passports and financial documents. They also referred to as the "Russian" mafia.
2 years ago in New York was the trial of a group of people accused of illegal arms trafficking, mainly from CIS countries: Armenians, Jews, Georgians. Included in the group, and citizens of other countries. And this is the case in the United States called the case "the Russian" Mafia!
To the Russian mafia should include only the criminals now have the citizenship of Russia. In such a "clean" as the problem of the Russian mafia is extremely important. Studying the materials of criminal intelligence analysis the Interpol General Secretariat of the interactions of leaders of organized criminal groups - former and current citizens of Russia and the CIS countries, their companies to launder money, you can verify that they are all the hundreds of threads are intertwined with each other and with leaders of the mafia structures in Europe, United States , Latin America and Asia.
Is it possible to win mafia?
It is believed that the mafia is immortal. Immortality Mafia may be in different forms. It can transform into a legitimate organization. Members of criminal gangs may become mayors. There will always be a formal society, and society shadow; legitimate economy and the "shadow economy" law and concepts. " It is important that the shadow society, the shadow economy and the "concept" did not alternate their official opponents. Shadow must know his place!
To do so, lead, finally, in line with the requirements of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and against Corruption, our Russian legislation. First of all, the Penal and Criminal Procedure Codes. This includes the notion of an organized criminal group, and the responsibility for the legalization of criminal proceeds, and the institution of property confiscation.
It is important to increase the exchange of information through Interpol and Europol. It is necessary to transform the Russian bureau of Interpol is indeed at the center of the coordination of international cooperation among all law enforcement agencies in combating transnational organized crime. There should be constant monitoring of the activities of the Russian mafia abroad. To ensure that every work on ahead of the curve, providing a foreign partner proactive information and other assistance.
Press review by Old Man.
2 years ago in New York was the trial of a group of people accused of illegal arms trafficking, mainly from CIS countries: Armenians, Jews, Georgians. Included in the group, and citizens of other countries. And this is the case in the United States called the case "the Russian" Mafia!
To the Russian mafia should include only the criminals now have the citizenship of Russia. In such a "clean" as the problem of the Russian mafia is extremely important. Studying the materials of criminal intelligence analysis the Interpol General Secretariat of the interactions of leaders of organized criminal groups - former and current citizens of Russia and the CIS countries, their companies to launder money, you can verify that they are all the hundreds of threads are intertwined with each other and with leaders of the mafia structures in Europe, United States , Latin America and Asia.
Is it possible to win mafia?
It is believed that the mafia is immortal. Immortality Mafia may be in different forms. It can transform into a legitimate organization. Members of criminal gangs may become mayors. There will always be a formal society, and society shadow; legitimate economy and the "shadow economy" law and concepts. " It is important that the shadow society, the shadow economy and the "concept" did not alternate their official opponents. Shadow must know his place!
To do so, lead, finally, in line with the requirements of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and against Corruption, our Russian legislation. First of all, the Penal and Criminal Procedure Codes. This includes the notion of an organized criminal group, and the responsibility for the legalization of criminal proceeds, and the institution of property confiscation.
It is important to increase the exchange of information through Interpol and Europol. It is necessary to transform the Russian bureau of Interpol is indeed at the center of the coordination of international cooperation among all law enforcement agencies in combating transnational organized crime. There should be constant monitoring of the activities of the Russian mafia abroad. To ensure that every work on ahead of the curve, providing a foreign partner proactive information and other assistance.
Press review by Old Man.
Interesting article, I've added a link to it on my directory at http://www.crimestart.com/Organized_Crime/Russian_Mafia