In the next few days in Ukraine is expected to further increase the temperature of the air, as well as a decrease in rainfall. Showers will still be a nuisance only to residents of the western regions. The average air temperature of about 11-16 ° at night and 25-30 ° of heat during the day, said Liga.net.
In Kiev on Thursday night from 7-12 ° to 21-26 ° during the day. No precipitation. On Saturday, rain is possible. Night 13-18 °, daytime 25-30 °. On Sunday mostly dry. Night 13-18 °, daily air temperature from 25 to 30 °. In the Kiev area on Thursday is expected to variable cloudiness. Temperature - from 7-12 ° at night to 21-26 ° during the day. Wind south-western, eastern, 5-10 m / sec.
To the east on Friday, forecast to 5-10 ° at night, 22-27 ° during the day. Precipitation is not expected. On Saturday night синоптики predicted 11-16 °, day temperature 25-30 °, without the rain. On Sunday синоптики promise to dry weather. Night 13-18 °, daytime 25-30 °. Southeasterlies, 5-10 m / sec.
To the west on Thursday night is expected to 10-15 °, daytime 25-30 °, precipitation is expected. Saturday will be rain. Temperatures at night around 10-15 °, daytime 19-24 °. On Sunday night, the air temperature will be 11-16 °, the day about 20-25 °. Expected rainy weather. Wind south-western, eastern, 5-10 m / sec. Partly gusts up to 15-20 m / sec.
In the southern parts of the June 19, from 12 to 17 ° at night, 21-26 ° of heat during the day. Weather forecasters promise dry weather. On Saturday night - about 14-19 °, day temperature 25-30 ° heat, rain. Sunday is expected to variable cloudiness. At night around 14-19 °, daytime 25-30 ° heat. Southeasterlies, 5-10 m / sec.
In the central regions of the short night of 6-11 °, daytime 22-27 °, dry weather is expected. On Saturday, without rain. Night 12-17 °, daytime 25-30 ° heat. On Sunday afternoon синоптики promise Central Ukraine cloudy days. The temperature at night - about 13-18 °, daytime thermometers show 25-30 ° heat. Wind south-western, eastern, 5-10 m / sec.
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